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Tuesday, 11 September 2018

AW 18 is upon us!!

Autumn Winter 18 is upon us and I have your knitwear sorted!!

Hi everyone,

It has been so long since I sat down to write a blogpost. I have been off work the past few weeks with my injury so I thought what better time to do some online shopping and share some of my favourite pieces for winter.

I actually haven't picked up anything at all for AW and obviously still cannot hit the shops so I will be doing the majority of my shopping online over the next few weeks and should have a nice wardrobe built up in time for when the cast comes off. I am going to break my blogposts into separate categories to make them easier for people to search. I can already feel the cold starting to creep in so I have put together a nice selection of pieces to keep you warm yet stylish for the coming season.

First up, Knitwear!!

If you have been following me since last year you might remember I got a bit of an obsession with knitwear. I had so many jumpers at one stage that I couldn't open the wardrobe without being attacked by falling knitwear and I fear that this year is going to be no different. So here is a couple of my favourite knits that I will be living in soon enough.

Tip: I always tend to buy my knitwear at least 2 sizes too big as I like to wear them oversized and cozy.

zara knit

 Polka Knit

As you can see AW for me doesn't mean I swop all my colourful summer outfits for all black. I love to have colour and prints in my wardrobe especially on the gloomy winter mornings. Thats all I have for now but I will be adding pieces to this blogpost over the coming weeks as I find them online so be sure to check back.

Some of the links I have added are affiliate links. This means I can earn a small commission for anybody who uses these links when purchasing but it doesn't change the item of the piece for you at all.

Hope you liked this post. I will have my next one up in a couple of days.


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