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Monday, 11 April 2016

The Body Coach - 90 day SSS Plan Cycle 1

Hi Everyone,

I signed up to the Body Coach 90 day Shift, Shape and Sustain plan the end of February. Although I knew I wasn't really overweight, I wanted to get fit and lean for summer. I had been watching the Body Coach ( Joe Wicks) Lean in 15 videos for months and all the food looked delicious and really easy to make.

Side Before Picture

The plan works out at about €180 which I chose to pay in 3 installments of €60 a month. When I signed up I was asked to fill out a detailed questionnaire and submit pictures either in a bikini or underwear and body measurements. This allowed them to tailor the plan exactly to my specific needs. The plan was sent back to me within 5 days, all 96 pages of it!!

 I recieved the plan on the Friday and it took me the weekend to read and plan my meals out for the week. I am a seriously picky eater as it is so the food was by far the hardest part of this plan. The Body Coach also recommends you to take supplements and vitamins and provides you with a discount code for a supplement website. Although the supplements are optional I thought if I was going to do it I was going to give it 100%. I bought the Body Coach bundle from the website  (MYPROTEIN.COM). There was a 30% discount day when I purchased it so I got it all for about €77. Bear in mind I was throwing in pink sports bags and pink sports beakers to boot (serial shopper).

Front Before Picture

Each day on the plan I got to choose from 3 meals and 2 snacks. I trained 5 times a week for 25 minutes doing HIIT sessions (High Intensity Interval Training). With the plan I was given a choice of 2 menus - 1) carbohydrate refuel meals 2) reduced carbohydrate meals.  On the days that I done a workout I choose 1 meal from the carb refuel menu and 2 from the reduced carb. The plan suggests it is better to do the training fasted so I done my HIIT sessions in the morning after a nights sleep without eating breakfast. That way you are burning the most fat. For me, this meant getting up at 7:30am, hitting the gym, training for 25 minutes and making it in time for work at 9:30am!! Most importantly I gave myself enough time for breakfast after training which is vital to the success of the plan.

My Favourite Dinner on the plan

It is important to note that you have to train and eat the meal from the carb menu straight after. In other words don't eat 2 reduced carb meals for breakfast and lunch and then save the carb refuel meal for dinner time. Your body needs carbs straight after training. I am not going to lie it takes a lot of will power and determination to do this but if you take a look at some of the transformation pictures on @thebodycoach instagram page you will be amazed. It was those pictures that gave me the push to make a change and get healthy. 

If anyone has any questions I'd be happy to answer. They say it takes 4 weeks to notice a change in your body but honestly I felt a difference in 2. Remember it is a marathon not a race! I'm not where I want to be yet but I am closer than I was 30 days ago.




  1. Love this post Dominique and well done you look fab �� !! I've recently joined the gym myself in order to get fit for summer�� I would love to see more of your healthy meals and meal preps. I'm an extremely fussy eater and eating healthy is 100% the hardest part for me!! �� Looking forward to your next fitness post ��

    1. Thanks so much :) I will try and get more fitness posts up. If you follow me on snapchat I do have most of my workouts up on it every day. Good luck with it Xx

  2. Amazing. I've just started my second week and really hoping to feel some difference soon! Xx

    1. Sorry I only seen your comment. How did your first month go? :) x

    2. That's okay. I was certainly happy to see the back of Cycle 1 by the end. I can't visually see any differences but fitness levels certainly increased. Now on my first week of C2. Just read your C2 results and they look amazing well done!! xx

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